Have you been searching for Honduras Real Estate in La Ceiba and Trujillo area?
As a Real Entrepreneaur in Honduras our company Properties Honduras Real Estate has been involved in the major developments for second homes for Canadians and Americans in the north coast of Honduras, some of our jobs have been scouting, listing, documentation and legal investigation, design, development, city and goberment permits, hiring contractors, negotiations and all the selling process. With over 12 years of experience in all kind of real estate deals,, Properties Honduras will give you unbiased view of all choices we have listed, either a lot or a new development
We are the only Real Estate in the mainland of Honduras that does a competitive market analysis as a requirement before listing a property, making sure that our clients will get what they paid for
Properties Honduras Real Estate is committed to give our clients the best possible purchasing experience, stress free, fair and service. We provide to our clients advice and information, not only in Real Estate matters, but, in any aspect of everyday living in the coast of Honduras.

The nature of our business is to have all the information available to help you make an informed decision and always seeking to provide you with the best places available, we have been listening to our clients and we are in constant touch with developers and investors to feed them back with the needs and requests of our clients.
Serving the need of clients who need, residential, beachfront, hill top, condos, vacation, comercial in La Ceiba and the north coast of Honduras, particularly in the mainland area between La Ceiba and Trujillo.
Properties Honduras provides information for both buyers and sellers. Please feel free to contact us, we can sure help you and will give you the best advice. We are founder members of CANABIRH, the national chamber of real estates in Honduras.
Cesar Castillo
Real Estate Consultant